Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy Memorial Day To You!

Hello my friends...I hope everyone is having a safe and happy weekend. Summer has finally arrived with it's warmer temps...what a joy to FINALLY get outside and feel that warm sun on your face. Ofcourse with shorts on I'm as white as a ghost. Hubby says I glow! I don't think it's that bad...and if I do, then so be it. You'd better put on your sunglasses then cuz I'm not changing!
I took a few pics of some of my favorite things that are blooming right now....I LOVE this time of year!!

Chives are one of my most favorite little herb. I LOVE the blooms they give in the Spring, which I cut and dry. It's very easy. I use an old screened window that I have hung in the attic. I simply put the chive stem right through the top of the screen...all the chives heads are resting on the top of the screen...and usually they are nice and dry in a couple of weeks. They are perfect then for flavored vinegars.

The old birdhouse is one that I've had for MANY years....bought it out West 15 years ago from a wonderful 85 year old man that enjoyed building them...and sold them for $20.00. The work is awesome with great detail..and as you can see has aged really well. Sadly, a bird family has never called it home...I think the hole is to large. But I do have another smaller one up front that has held many a family of birds. It took the house about 6 years before any birds would live in it. Don't know why...but through all the moves, every year now Sparrows and wrens raise little ones all Spring & Summer.

My favorite flower of all time are Peonies. In all of the places we've lived, I've never had any to grow, so when we moved here, I was happy as a clam to see 2 sides of the garage covered in Peonies! Gorgeous Pinks, Dark Maroon and White blossoms for many weeks...and then sadly there done. But I did just find a great way of enjoying their blooms all Summer long.

Simple cut the flower stems just as they are opening. You must be able to see a bit of the flower color...or they won't open. You then put them in a baggy...don't close it up... and stash them in the back of the fridge. When you want to use them, simple take them out, trim off the end about 2" and put them in water as usual. Now, I've not tried it yet as I heard this last I am pretty excited to see if this works because I can never get enough Peonies in the house before they are finished blooming, or a heavy rain damages them. If you do decide to try this, please let me know how it works for you.

Our peonies are still in small bud right now...but when they do open..I'll have photos to show you.

Well friends, I hope you all a wonderful day today. Stay safe....I just lost a long time friend yesterday in a car please be never know.

Till next time, cook up some ribs and whip up a batch of potato salad and just take in the beauty all around you.

Many hugs,

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