Wednesday, May 20, 2009

WINDY HERE.....did I say WINDY!!!!

I tried to get a photo of the girls and's SO windy here that the poor darlin's are hiding where ever possible just to stay out of the wind. This good looking chap is my rooster 'Rocky' (see the similarities??)...He HATES the wind most of all. When his saddle feathers blow up around his head, he does a wild Indian dance to get them to lay down. Pretty funny to watch.

I even tried hanging out laundry today...towels...folded over the lines...3 clothespins. By the time I finished the 2nd line...all of the towels from the first line where blowing across the yard....needless to say, I picked them all up and put them in the dryer. So much for being green today.

Grandbaby even wanted to go outside, but it's so windy I'm afraid the poor thing would blow away! So, instead I caught him doing this.
With pen in one hand, and Grandpa's glasses in the other he had dragged out my gardening mags and some of my rooster books as well....with all this reading, maybe he'll be a great little gardener someday!


We are working on doing some new updates to the website. Time for a change I think...a bit more simpler and as always...easy for you to use. So hopefully we'll have that finished in a few days. We hope you'll like the new layout. Comments are always welcome.

With our new look will come a *NEW giveaway*! Something we haven't done in a while...and I figured it was about time. We will also be doing a weekly special....and ofcourse if your on my emailing list, you'll get all the information first. So please do sign up....I try to have a 'customer appreciation ' sale once a year...and that's ONLY for my newsletter friends.

So my friends, till next time stay out of the heat with a good book. My new favorite is 'Seasons at Seven Gates Farm'. I want my home to look just like this!!

I do have an extra hardcover issue that I'd love to sell if your interested in it. $12.00 includes the shipping to you. Just email me if your interested. :o)

Take care!

1 comment:

SweetAnnee said...

Oh Paula..I love that book too!!

Your background is AWeSOME right now

sorry to hear about your health..I hope you
are better..and I will pray that you are..

most fondly, Deena